Setting Up a New Theme

Author:Aaron S
Last Updated:February 05, 2024 10:09 AM

When a new Theme package is needed, the steps shown below must be followed to ensure that it is set up properly. Each step below lists the requirements and team members involved. Steps should be followed in order and a JIRA ticket should be created and reassigned to an appropriate team member as the request moves through each step:


Request new theme

Team Member: AD, FED

The requestor should create a new JIRA ticket with the following information:

  1. Client - include the client name for the new Theme
  2. Theme Name - include the name for the new Theme
  3. Custom Page Layouts - indicate if custom page layouts should be included
  4. Initial Content Site - indicate the content site that the new Theme should be applied to


Create New Theme

Team Member: BED

BED will use the Install-ClientSDK.ps1 script to create the new Theme based on the information in the Request New Theme step above.

Review the information in the JIRA ticket to determine what values to set when running. The Name will be: [ClientID].Themes.ReFlex.[ThemeName].

  1. Use M:\_tpi\Scripts\Install-ClientSDK.ps1 using the information above:
    1. PS M:\_tpi\Scripts> .\Install-ClientSDK.ps1 Enter client ID (e.g. "NWS", "MCW", "MPS", etc.): [ClientID]
    2. ClientID will correspond to the Client Name entered in the ticket
    3. Enter system ID (leave empty for "Public"): Themes.ReFlex.[ThemeName]
    4. ThemeName will correspond to the Theme Name entered in the ticket
    5. Updating Base SDK Repo to v7 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved Master repo will be created: \\\src\[ClientID]\Titan\Themes.ReFlex.[ThemeName]\Current Base repo will be used: \\\src\_tpi\ClientSDK\Current Local repo will be created: C:\Src\[ClientID]\Titan\Themes.ReFlex.[ThemeName]\Current Available Starter Packs [R]eFlex Theme [B]lock [D]ata Module [L]egacy Upgrade Enter starter pack letter ([Enter] for none): R Do you need to modify ReFlex Layouts [Y]es/[N]o?: [Custom Page Layouts Y|N]
    6. When prompted for Starter Packs, choose for [R]eFlex Theme
    7. When prompted to modify ReFlex Layouts, select if the ticket indicated Custom Page Layouts were needed, select if the ticket indicated Custom Page Layouts were not needed
  2. When the script completes, open the Theme SDK in Visual Studio. Check the following:
    1. Confirm that css files under Wkst\ClientCSS\[ClientID]\[ThemeName]\*.css are included in the solution
    2. Confirm that js files under Wkst\CommonScript\[ClientID]\[ThemeName]\*.js are included in the solution
    3. Confirm that page layout files udner Wkst\PageLayouts\[ClientID]\[ThemeName]\*.cshtml are included in the solution
  3. Update the under Documentation\ with the following:
    1. Add a description to High Level Overview
    2. Add your name and the requestor (if FED) to as the SME
    3. Include a release note with the current date and time
  4. Update SDKConfig:
    1. Update the displayName to [ClientID] [ThemeName] Theme
    2. Update the shortDescription to [ClientID] [ThemeName] Theme
    3. Update the longDescripttion to [ClientID] [ThemeName] created by NWS 
  5. Use Deploy-SDK.ps1 to create a new preRelease

Install Accessibility.SwitchStyles Package

Team Member: BED

Install the NWS.Titan.Modules.Accessibility.SwitchStyles package IF:

  • you are installing to globes that only have a ReFlex base Theme (no custom themes yet)
  • and if the existing globe(s) aren't using the non-accessible version currently

Create Content Site

Team Member: BED

BED will create the new Content Site based on the information in the Request New Theme section above. 

  1. Navigate to the dev instance mentioned in the JIRA ticket
  2. Navigate to Wkst > Admin
  3. Create New Content Site with the name provided in the JIRA ticket. Do not clone existing
  4. The New Content Site should only have the base ReFlex theme on it

Install Theme

Team Member: BED

BED will install the new Theme package.

  1. Navigate to the dev instance mentioned in the JIRA ticket
  2. Navigate to the platform site and upload the preRelease package created in the Create New Theme section above
  3. Install the preRelease package
  4. When successfully installed, navigate to Wkst > Admin > New Content Site > Theme and confirm the New Theme is installed
  5. Create a new sync file by running M:\_syncCode\_sync.bat:
    1. Enter the source clientID for this sync (i.e. Baird, Briggs, Snapon, etc.): [ClientID]
    2. ClientID will correspond to the Client Name entered in the ticket
    3. Enter the source instance for this sync (i.e. Public, Intranet.  [Enter] for Public): [Public]
    4. [Public] will select the dev site instance
    5. Enter the target clientID for this sync (i.e. NWS, Briggs, Snapon, etc. [Enter] for [ClientID]:
    6. Enter the target instance for this sync (i.e. Themes.ReFlex, DataModules.Calendar, Public, etc.  [Enter] for Public): [ClientID].Themes.ReFlex.[ThemeName]
    7. This will be the same name as in the Create New Theme section above
    8. Enter Titan Version (format: #.#.#.#, eg. [Enter] for [Enter] Enter the environment for this sync ([D]evelopment, [U]AT, [P]roduction. [Enter] for Dev): [D] Enter the source server for this sync ([Enter] for HOST-DEV-2): [Enter]
    9. [Enter] and [D] will correctly set up the v7 sync
    10. Enter name of branch to sync ([Enter] for 'v7'): [v7]
    11. [v7] will create the sync file and run it for the first time
  6. Reassign JIRA ticket back to the requestor in the Request New Theme section above