New Dev Checklist

Last Updated:September 02, 2022 1:39 PM

Often new developers experiences issues when running Install-ClientSDK.ps1 or local IIS Express scripts for the first time. The below are common errors and their solutions:


Error Solution
Execution Policy erorrs

If new devs are prompted that a script like Install-ClientSDK.ps1 is not digital-signed, they will be unable to run it. 

Ask Brian to update the execution policy for the user by running: 

-- Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell -Name ExecutionPolicy -Value ByPass

as an admin.

The user can also run the following: 

Set-Executionpolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

but will need to run it each time they run Install-ClientSDK.ps1

MSBuild Path errors If new devs get an error message about msbuild path, their Visual Studio 2019/2022 installs are not a Professional or Enterprise version. Either the Professional or Enterprise version should be installed as the scripts looks for a msbuild path in either the /Professional or /Enterprise directories.
* wildcard cert errors If new devs recieve an error that the * cert can not be found or deleted, they likely do not have the * wildcard cert locally. It can be exported from another developers pc and installed into their local certs or installed by Brian.
IIS Express failed after 20 attempts If new devs recieve an error that IIS Express failed after 20 attempts, they need to run Internet Explorer and initialize settings. The settings need to be configured to get the IIS Express scripts to run. This is likely due to changes in Internet Explorer from a few years ago.

