Importing Nav Tree into Titan V7

Last Updated:October 18, 2022 2:56 PM

Create an Excel spreadsheet with columns for:

  • Page Name
  • Wkst Name (if different from Page Name)
  • Display Order (if you want to control the ordering during create, otherwise it'll be alpha)
  • Page URL (required if you want to build the hierarchy of the tree correctly)

Regarding the hierarchy... the system requires the URLs to establish tree branches. If the URL doesn't look like the structure you're aiming for, it won't do what you want. So this may result in "less SEO optimized" URLs to start. You can update them later. So to create a page under a site where the root URL is "/PublicSite.htm", the new page's URL should be "/PublicSite/MyNewPage.htm". Children for that new page must be "/PublicSite/MyNewPage/ChildPage.htm". 

With the sheet filled-in, you simply select the root of the site you're building out, and on the Results Tab use the Data Upload utility and upload the spreadsheet like you would for an SEO roundtrip.

Can I export from an empty site to get the shell of that spreadsheet?

Yes. Use the SEO Properties View (it'll have the closest set of columns you want).

Will the import ignore what is already there, if the URLs are different?

Yes, if you choose the option "Add Only"

If an item has children, do I mark isFolder as 1, or remove that column?

It'll ignore IsFolder... since with pages there is no such thing (see hierarchy notes above)

If wkst name, page name and page title will all be the same (until someone changes them later) - can I pick just one column to import? and which one?

Yes. I recommend Wkst Name.

Troubleshooting: Now I have to set up navigation zones and all pages only have TOC as an option.

In Titan Admin, select "Parse Zones" for each page layout and Save. That will get the Nav Zones to update for the Theme, and you should then see them on the Properties Tab.

